Hey there! We’re Arbitrage. It’s about time we got to know each other, don’t you think?
Are you also looking to work with thriving e-commerce brands such as AG1, Leica Camera and more and create high-performing video and image creatives that scale on Meta, TikTok and Youtube?
Cool, because that’s what we do!
But that’s not all. By the end of 2024, we aim to be the go-to growth partner for leading DTC brands that want to scale. Scale REALLY hard.
We are a dedicated team of digital marketing enthusiasts from all over, and our mission?
Creating a playground for elite marketers and editors who love their work and deliver astonishing results to a select group of top-tier DTC e-commerce businesses.
Now, let’s get straight to the point. Who are we looking for to join our team?
Right now, we are in the phase of finding a new A-player to create Meta, TikTok & Youtube Ads!
So, we are hiring an expert video editor that can create high-performing video and image ads.
You will be incentivized EVERY WEEK!
For every winning ad you create you will receive a bonus. The KPI will adjust every quarter as we improve. But this bonus is UNCAPPED!
So, you think you’ve got what it takes?
Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
Wir von EsportConnect wollen unseren Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung des Esports beitragen, indem wir durch gebündelte Transparenz und Sichtbarkeit einen Überblick über den Esport im DACH-Raum geben.
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