Project Description
DXC Technology is the world’s leading independent provider of next generation end-to-end IT services. Our goal is to shape the digital transformation for our customers and thus generate added value for their business. With our experience from global projects, our consulting expertise and our leading position as a service provider and solution provider, we support our customers in their digital transformation. In the area of Enterprise Information Management, DXC is considered a strong partner for process management and digital transformation projects in Austria. DXC offers first-class services and solutions based primarily on the Fabasoft Folio Framework that help customers digitize their business processes.
Projects in the area of Enterprise Information Management cover the following major areas: consulting, development and operationalization of individual solutions and applications.
As a Senior Developer for Fabasoft Folio-based solutions, you will become part of the Enterprise Information Management team, which is made up of people who are enthusiastic about innovation and work for various major customers across industries.
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Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
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