ISVs at Microsoft are unique in the sense they are both customers we sell to, and partners we co-sell with. To support the ‘sell to’ motion, these enterprise customers require streamlined sales, account, and technical enablement processes and resources. To support the ‘sell with’ motion, these customers need support in access to Microsoft’s broad base of industry customers, strong partnership and alignment with our GPS team, in addition to taking advantage of all of our partner products and services. As tech centric organizations, ISVs expect technical depth across common scenarios and access to PG via a “level 300”, single named source.
We’re looking for an exceptional talent to be part of an exciting new EMEA motion to lead the development and growth of the EMEA ISV business.
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Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
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