Join the world of the future in a fast growing international company!
At SEGULA Technologies you will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects and help shaping the future within an engineering company which is at the heart of innovation. From 3D printing, augmented reality, connected vehicle to the factory of the future – new technologies are part of our 13,000 ingenious collaborators’ day-to-day life. Would you like to join in?
Whether you are a student, young graduate, engineer or experienced project manager, at SEGULA Technologies you will find the opportunity to give a new meaning to your career. Skills development is a big part of SEGULA Technologies’ DNA, the company offers the possibility to move between sectors and positions, as well as attractive geographic mobility opportunities.
SEGULA Technologies is always looking for new, ingenious, and daring talents worldwide to support all the major industrial actors within the automotive, aeronautics, energy, railway, naval, oil & gas and pharmaceutical sectors.
Do you have a touch of genius? Take a new challenge and join us!
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Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
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