As the IT of the REWE Group Austria, we work together with our more than 600 employees to develop innovative IT products and services for all our corporate divisions in Austria and abroad, setting the tone for modern trade.
As part of our Security Operation Center you will be responsible for the continuous improvement and development of our Toolset and Platform used to monitor and manage events, detect and manage vulnerabilities and support incident response or forensic use cases. Together with your team, you’ll plan and implement security use cases, automation develop operational procedures. You’ll be responsible to build, operate and maintain our SOC Toolstack and collaborate with needed peers throughout the company.
Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
Informiere dich jetzt über unseren umfassenden und kostenlosen Bewerbungsservice. Erfahre, wie wir dich effektiv und direkt zu deinem Traumjob führen können!
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